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Version: 5.0.0-beta.1c


Code snippets are regular ES6-based JavaScript (JS) code blocks.

Lines starting with "//" are treated as comments. You can also comment in multiple lines using C-style comments.

// Lines starting with "//" are treated as comments.
/* you can also comment in
* multiple lines using C-style comments

To log to the development console, use console.log.

console.log("hello world");

Variables can be defined using let (mutable) or const (immutable).

let x = 1;
const y = "hello world";
x += 15;


Functions can be defined in a number of ways.

function squared(x) {
return x * x;

// This is an arrow function
const cubed = x => x * x * x;

// This is an arrow function with a block of codes
const sqrt = x => {
// You can use builtin JS library functions
return Math.sqrt(x);

Functions can also be asynchronous. Any functions that wait for user input or interact with the backend will be asynchronous.

function delay(time) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (time < 0) {
reject("Invalid delay duration");
} else {
setTimeout(resolve, time);

You can await asynchronous functions within another async function, or at the top level.

async function pauseForOneSecond() {
await delay(1000);
return true;

Awaiting is necessary to ensure that return values can be used correctly. Compare the following outputs:

console.log("Awaiting properly:");
const resultWithAwait = await pauseForOneSecond();

console.log("No await:");
const resultWithoutAwait = pauseForOneSecond();

Asynchronous functions can also be used with promise syntax.

delay(100).then(() => console.log("Looks promising"));
delay(-100).catch(err => console.log(err));

Note that the response to the first "delay" call is printed after the second one, because execution is non-blocking.

For more usages of ES6-based JavaScript, please refer to the features of the language.