All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Fixed failed to launch Carta with certain navigator.hardwareConcurrency (#2478).
- Fixed HiPS survey list requests.
- Removed vulnerabilities.
- Added support for changing the depth order of floating widget and dialog on select (#2307).
- Added the raster matching setting to the preference and improved the raster matching function (#2004 and #1959).
- Added support for sorting the spectral line table (#2262).
- Added additional mono-color colormaps with a customized option for the raster image (#2300).
- Added support for PV image generation using polyline (#2302).
- Added support for multi-color blending (#1204).
- Added support for showing relative coordinates in image view (#681).
- Added a button for deleting all regions (#1040).
- Added support for loading remote FITS files from the hips2fits server (#1379).
- Supported the customized rest frequency for the moment maps (#2396).
- Supported image coordinates for images with valid WCS headers (#2366).
- Supported plotting with unit wavelength ^ 2 in z profile and Stokes analysis widgets (#1685).
- Supported showing the coordinate system reference for RA and Dec labels in the image view panel.
- Supported showing delta x and y in distance measurement (#2165).
- Supported plotting catalog sources on image pixel size and angular size (#1956).
- Dynamic layout: automatically applying the layout which is associated with the data type (#752).
- Supported channel map mode: viewing multiple channels of an image cube in the image viewer (#1203).
- Fixed ruler annotation matching bug (#2242).
- Fixed compass and ruler annotations update bug in the spatially matched image when changing the coordinate (#2270).
- Removed distance measurement tool render from PV preview frames (#2267).
- Improved the dragging performance of the Export Region widget when the list of region/annotation to be exported is large (#1867).
- Fixed the flashing contour rendering during animation (#579).
- Fixed incorrect range values in the save image dialog with non-convertible spectral axis images by supporting native/channel options in the spectral coordinate selector for non-convertible spectral axis images (#2225).
- Fixed a bug when applying a filter to the shifted frequency column in the spectral line query widget (#2326).
- Improved the cursor interaction area in the image view widget (#1794).
- Fixed saving or opening CASA image with a trailing slash using the URL parameter or the snippets (#1816 and #1357).
- Fixed the incorrect coordinate system when loading or appending images after a coordinate system being specified (#582).
- Upgraded blueprintjs from v3 to v5 (#2029).
- Fixed the catalog load button status after double clicking catalog files (#2378).
- Synchronized the value format in the pan and zoom tab in the image view settings widget (#2235).
- Fixed save image/export regions bug which could cause directory overwrite or deletion (#1377).
- Fixed incorrect rendering of image view when moving the window to monitors with different screen resolution ([#2285]).
- Fixed the sudden jump of dragged-out marks (#152).
- Fixed missing raster images when panning images to the top edge and right edge (#948).
- Fixed incorrect image viewer title after changing a layout (#2379).
- Fixed the unit label of the y axis for flux density in the spectral profiles (#2355).
- Changed the limitation of plotting up-to-10 profiles in the spectral profiler multi-profile mode to up-to-16 (#2440).
- Changed in-app help context to the online readthedocs user manual (#2241).
- Axes order of the PV diagram becomes a sticky parameter (#2402).
- Redesign the layout dialog UI (#773).
- Fixed the blank screen when clicking X/Y profile setting button without images opened (#2247).
- Removed unused help button for PV preview widget (#2248).
- Fixed PV preview bug where no PV preview shows up after closing a docked PV preview widget (#2249).
- Fixed the incorrect deletion of contour levels (#2251).
- Fixed bug that the frontend crashes when deleting annotations if the export window is opened (#2278).
- Fixed the performance issue when panning images (#2291).
- Fixed the crash when plotting online Vizier catalog data (#2321).
- Fixed missing vector overlays on matched images (#2293).
- Avoided showing the telemetry dialog temporarily (#2314).
- Fixed failing to match images spatially (2252).
- Fixed a bug when applying a filter to the shifted frequency column in the spectral line query widget (#2326).
- Fixed the inability to export regions and the wrong number of export regions after deleting region/annotation under the opened export dialog (#2297).
- Fixed the delayed start of the program due to telemetry server error (#2304).
- Added a shortcut button for image annotation (#2167).
- Added support for AIPS beam images (#2164).
- Added telemetry data for spectral profile, PV, moment, and catalog creation. (#2208).
- Added an increase to the default compression ratio to 32 when the header unit of the image is km/s (#1223).
- Added a toggle in the moment generator to match generated image(s) (#2121).
- Added automatically generated documentation website.
- Added the ability to share a workspace via URL when using the frontend via the controller.
- Changed the default title string in the image viewer (#2168).
- Modified text annotation textbox to stay the same dimension as user zoom the image (#2162).
- Disabled spell check in text input (#2138).
- Support animation playback with matched images in multi-panel view (#1860).
- Modified spectral matching type selector in Image List Settings won't affect global preferences (#2098).
- Enabled enter key to trigger filtering in the filter fields, and modified the buttons in the spectral line query widget and catalog widget (#2046).
- Switched the Splatalogue URL from test to production (#2238).
- Changed image fitting center position error unit from arcsecond to second when the format is H:M:S; added integrated flux information in the fitting result.
- Fixed bug where line region computation width cannot be changed in spatial profile setting widget (#2000).
- Fixed when multiple images are open, PV generator can only produce PV preview with live update for one of the images (#2171).
- Fixed incorrect beam-related and frequency-related intensity unit conversions in the spectral profiler (#2033).
- Fixed line region anchor rotation degree when the image has non-square pixels (#1732).
- Fixed the blank screen when using layout with histogram widget (#2178).
- Fixed the problem of resuming LEL images (#1226).
- Fixed tsv and txt file export naming (#1987).
- Fixed the spectral line offset by correcting the redshift factor calculation (#1327).
- Fixed the alignment in workspace dialog (#2155).
- Fixed the spectral axis for images with headers in
format (#2144). - Fixed spatial matching error in sub-milliarcsecond scale (#1734).
- Fixed inconsistent region coordinate format when images are spatially matched (#2189).
- Fixed the right ascension label in the image view (#2192).
- Fixed the multi-spectral-profile intensity unit conversion (#1758).
- Fixed the Jy/beam to K intensity unit conversion (#1907).
- Fixed the blinking toolbar in the image view during animating images (#2163).
- Fixed image arithmetic bug when there are square brackets in the expression (#2220).
- Fixed missing tiles and distorted tiles during and after animation. (#1988).
- Fixed the stuck of stokes animation at low frame rates (#1293).
- Added two entries in Service sub-menu to copy the session ID and the session URL to clipboard (#1930).
- Added a button for NaN pixel color selection in render config widget (#1946).
- Added a setting dialog for the angular distance measurement (#1201).
- Added the functionality to show/hide and lock all regions (#1796).
- Added a method to auto-scrolling the selected region into the region list view (#1797).
- Added the functionality to mirror cursor position on spatially matched frame via hotkey "G" (#1947).
- Added support for fitting images with regions, fixed parameters, a background offset, and different solvers; added support for setting initial values in world coordinates; added support for generating model and residual images, exporting fitting result and full log, and creating regions from the results; added support for estimating progress and cancelling tasks (#1397).
- Added tooltip to the Image column for the image list and cursor info widget (#1948).
- Added additional cursor info option to spectral profile widget (#1837).
- Added a selection option in the PV generator widget to swap x and y axis, an input for spectral axis limit, and a toggle button to let users decide whether or not to keep the previously generated PV images (#1950, #1951, #1952).
- Added a toggle button to let users decide whether or not to keep the previously generated moment images (#2054).
- Added settings in the image view settings widget for panning and zooming the images (#1176).
- Added layout renaming dialog (#458).
- Added supports for swapped-axes image cubes (#1953).
- Added supports for image annotations (#267).
- Added the ability of changing to a new directory by entering a path (#609).
- Added supports for customizing histogram calculations (#1488).
- Added pv image preview feature (#1561).
- Added support for saving and restoring workspaces (#1272). Initial support is limited to restoring open images, render/contour/overlay configs and regions.
- Fixed the issue of annoying text input fields (#1906).
- Fixed the issues of copying the Session URL in the macOS Electron and Linux AppImage versions (#2102, #2108).
- Fixed the issue of contour levels not deleted as intended (#2091).
- Fixed issue of only enabling catalog selection button when there is a layer of catalog overlay (#1826).
- Fixed the issue of the corrupted spatial profile when cursor is moving (#1602).
- Fixed NaN pixel value in the cursor info bar of the image viewer when the image is 1x1 pixel (#1879).
- Fixed issue to show cursor info of smoothed profiles in the spatial and spectral profilers (#1880, #1938).
- Fixed mean and RMS not updating when smoothing in the spatial and spectral profilers (#1838).
- Fixed limitations of the point size for catalog overlay rendering (#1662 and #1802).
- Fixed the issue of updating image view mode when catalog selection button is disabled (#1967).
- Fixed the issue of stuck image viewer after changing single/multi panel mode after catalog selection (#1989).
- Fixed empty tsv file export for xy profiler (#2021).
- Fixed missing catalog overlay for single source catalog files (#2034).
- Fixed the region position offset mismatch problem after zooming to fit for spatially matched images. (#2028).
- Improved the performance of loading regions in batches (#2040).
- Fixed offset between cusorInfo and upper wcs axis in the spatial profilers (#1319).
- Fixed mismatch between cursor and image during PV image panning (#1790).
- Fixed the hanging problem for computed stokes animation (#1238).
- Fixed the AST grid rendering issues in different reference systems due to missing explicit equinox in the setup (#2106).
- Fixed crash when sending spectral line queries without network connection (#2119).
- Re-arranged the order of File menu (#2092).
- Increased the upper limit of averaging width for line/polyline spatial profiles or PV images calculations (#1949).
- Set white color or black color, based on the theme, as the background for the image view PNG export (#2029).
- Spectral line queries are migrated to Splatalogue advanced backend queries due to the upcoming deprecation of the current Splatalogue frontend queries (#2114).
- Fixed issue with dashboard address (#1991).
- Added support for image fitting with field of view (#1397).
- Size conversion in the image fitting results (#1397).
- Show a notification when there is a new CARTA release (#1852).
- Added links to the CARTA Dashboard to the splashscreen and alert dialog where appropriate (#1874).
- Splatalogue queries are now made directly with the server, rather than proxied through the backend (#1755).
- Added missing vector overlay and image fitting options in the View menu (#1848).
- Hide code snippet option in the View menu when code snippet is disabled in the preferences (#1856).
- Fixed the rotation anchor offset of line regions (#1739).
- Fixed issue with exporting decimated data instead of full resolution data in spatial profiler (#1546).
- Fixed larger position errors of projected contours, catalog overlays, and vector overlays near the border (#1843).
- Fixed no updating of spatial profile after region deleting (#1831, #1855).
- Fixed unable to switch channel by clicking scatter plot in stokes analysis widgets (#1313).
- Fixed issues of crowded Frame idices in the animator and misalignment of channel slider indices (#940, #1892).
- Fixed gaps in projected unclosed regions (#1740).
- Fixed projection of polygon regions created on spatially matched images (#1887).
- Fixed incorrect channels of matched images requested for animation (#569).
- Fixed issue of showing last index of animator sliders ([#1893] (
- Fixed tooltip blocking issue of the toolbar in the image viewer (#1897).
- Fixed persisent tooltip after exporting a png image (#1742).
- Fixed high CPU/GPU usage when CARTA is idle or attempting to reconnect to server (#153 and #1808).
- Fixed incorrect region positions when importing regions on a spatially matched image (#1899).
- Fixed issue in the spatial profile setting where the "Show WCS Axis" should be disabled for steps and lines plot styles (#1905).
- Fixed issue when the active frame changes while the region is being imported.
- Fixed the imprecised catalog plot axis. (#1884).
- Fixed the displayed values in the cursor info of the histogram widget by adopting binary-searched data x and y values (#1917).
- Fixed missing regions when the image is matched or unmatched to the reference (#1780).
- Fixed inconsistent vector line width on spatially matched images (#1854).
- Fixed QU profile rendering black at the first channel in the stokes widget (#1786).
- Added cursor information to the histogram widget (#1762).
- The ability to load files with LEL (lattice expression language) expressions (#1264).
- The ability to set a custom rest frequency for saving subimages (#1653).
- The ability to load complex images with a dropdown menu in the file browser dialog (#1492).
- Added image fitting widget for multiple 2D Gaussian component fitting (#1397).
- Added computed polarizations (Polarized intensity, Polarized angle ...) in polarization selectors (#714).
- Vector field rendering is supported in the image view widget. Data configuration and stlying can be set in the vector overlay dialog (#1155).
- Optimization to the region list widget with a large number of regions (#1252).
- Optimization to loading images with a million channels (#1774).
- Limited the filename length of downloaded png files to around 200 characters (#1501).
- Enabled text selection for region info and catalog info when loading/saving regions and loading catalogs (#1795).
- Corrected hard reload shortcut suggestions for macOS (#1623).
- Fixed region re-rendering with click to pan method (#1751).
- Fixed the initial spectral range of the moment generator (#1749).
- Fixed crash when loading file with fewer axes than CDELT entries (#1769).
- Fixed crash with empty line plots (#1772).
- Fixed issue with PV image rendering (#1708).
- Tab title of image viewer is reset when all images are closed (#1686).
- Fixed issue with multiple-panel switch of the image viewer (#1676).
- Fixed issue with the reset button in the spectral line query widget (#1741).
- Fixed issue with catalog SIMBAD query after cancelling (#1750).
- Fixed extra catalog overlay sources at the origin (#1823).
- Added optional usage collection / telemetry (#637).
- Added ability to list files filtered by extension (rather than content) or list all files (#1).
- Added two spectral matching types "Vacuum wavelength" and "Air wavelength."
- Circular/linear polarizations are supported in polarization dropdowns for saving subimages and generating hypercubes.
- The ability to export high resolution png images for publication quality in journals.
- The ability to use a custom rest frequency for spectral matching, spectral axis display, and PV image x/y axis display.
- Added new feature: ability to generate a position-velocity (PV) image from a line region on images with a supported coordinate system. The generated images are loaded as separate images, similar to generated moment maps.
- Applied a new approach to calculate the sizes and lengths of a region (#1572).
- Fixed crash when opening the image view configuration dialog before opening an image (#1705).
- Fixed panning and zooming when opening a new image in distance measuring mode (#1665).
- Fixed incorrect color gradient of the colorbar (#1717 and #1718).
- Fixed crash caused by missing region length calculation.
- The image view toolbar can be minimized to prevent it from hiding the image view.
- The last used directory can now be preserved across CARTA sessions.
- The ability to view multiple images at once in a multi-panel view has been added.
- Boolean columns are now supported in FITS and VOTable catalogs.
- Line and poly-line regions can be created. They currently do not have any associated analytic features, but will be used for upcoming PV image features.
- Additional preferences added: smooth updates of the overlay and adjusting the visibility of the cursor overlay.
- The image, region and Stokes value can now be changed on the spatial profiler.
- Multiple images can now be loaded via query parameters, using
. - The Stokes value can be changed on statistics and histogram widgets.
- A cursor widget has been added, which displays the cursor position and value for all open images.
- An experimental JavaScript-based code snippets feature has been added, for scripting CARTA from the frontend. Snippets can be saved, edited and re-executed. The feature can be enabled in the preferences dialog.
- Added a customizable colorbar to the image view widget, with an interactive mode that highlights pixels above a threshold.
- A pixel grid is now displayed at high zoom levels. This can be disabled in the image view settings.
- The image overlay title can now be customised on a per-image basis.
- The polarization string (e.g. "Stokes I") is shown instead of the index (e.g. 0).
- The spectral line query widget now checks the Splatalogue server before displaying.
- Optimizations to catalog rendering with a large number of data points.
- Directories displayed in the file browser now have item count and modified date entries.
- Fixed issue with spectral-matched images not being refreshed (#1571).
- Fixed issue with image tiles smaller than 4x4 pixels (#1365 and #1485).
- Fixed crash when region list is initially too small (#1598).
- Fixed region offset errors when matching and unmatching images (#1293).
- Fixes progress indicator when displaying multiple spectral profiles (#1429)
- Fixed minor input issues with the catalog widget (#1505 and #1544).
- Fixed minor rendering issues on image edges (#666).
- Fixed anchor rendering issue with rotated regions (#1208).