CARTA Backend
The backend component of CARTA
No Matches
carta::Frame Class Reference

#include <Frame.h>

Collaboration diagram for carta::Frame:

Public Member Functions

 Frame (uint32_t session_id, std::shared_ptr< FileLoader > loader, const std::string &hdu, int default_z=DEFAULT_Z, bool load_image_cache=true)
 ~Frame ()
bool IsValid ()
std::string GetErrorMessage ()
std::string GetFileName ()
std::shared_ptr< casacore::CoordinateSystem > CoordinateSystem (const StokesSource &stokes_source=StokesSource())
casacore::IPosition ImageShape (const StokesSource &stokes_source=StokesSource())
DimsInfo Dims ()
size_t Width ()
size_t Height ()
size_t Depth ()
size_t NumStokes ()
int CurrentZ ()
int CurrentStokes ()
bool IsCurrentZStokes (const StokesSource &stokes_source)
int SpectralAxis ()
int StokesAxis ()
int XAxis ()
int YAxis ()
int ZAxis ()
AxesInfo Axes ()
bool GetBeams (std::vector< CARTA::Beam > &beams)
StokesSlicer GetImageSlicer (const AxisRange &z_range, int stokes)
StokesSlicer GetImageSlicer (const AxisRange &x_range, const AxisRange &y_range, const AxisRange &z_range, int stokes)
void SetAnimationViewSettings (const CARTA::AddRequiredTiles &required_animation_tiles)
CARTA::AddRequiredTiles GetAnimationViewSettings ()
bool SetImageChannels (int new_z, int new_stokes, std::string &message)
bool SetCursor (float x, float y)
bool FillRasterTileData (CARTA::RasterTileData &raster_tile_data, const Tile &tile, int z, int stokes, CARTA::CompressionType compression_type, float compression_quality, bool is_current_z)
bool SetContourParameters (const CARTA::SetContourParameters &message)
ContourSettingsGetContourParameters ()
bool ContourImage (ContourCallback &partial_contour_callback, int channel)
bool SetHistogramRequirements (int region_id, const std::vector< CARTA::HistogramConfig > &histogram_configs)
bool FillRegionHistogramData (std::function< void(CARTA::RegionHistogramData histogram_data)> region_histogram_callback, int region_id, int file_id, bool channel_changed)
bool GetBasicStats (int z, int stokes, BasicStats< float > &stats)
bool CalculateHistogram (int region_id, int z, int stokes, int num_bins, const HistogramBounds &bounds, Histogram &hist)
bool GetCubeHistogramConfig (HistogramConfig &config)
void CacheCubeStats (int stokes, BasicStats< float > &stats)
void CacheCubeHistogram (int stokes, Histogram &hist)
bool SetStatsRequirements (int region_id, const std::vector< CARTA::SetStatsRequirements_StatsConfig > &stats_configs)
bool FillRegionStatsData (std::function< void(CARTA::RegionStatsData stats_data)> stats_data_callback, int region_id, int file_id)
void SetSpatialRequirements (const std::vector< CARTA::SetSpatialRequirements_SpatialConfig > &spatial_profiles)
bool FillSpatialProfileData (std::vector< CARTA::SpatialProfileData > &spatial_data_vec)
bool FillSpatialProfileData (PointXy point, std::vector< CARTA::SetSpatialRequirements_SpatialConfig > spatial_configs, std::vector< CARTA::SpatialProfileData > &spatial_data_vec)
bool SetSpectralRequirements (int region_id, const std::vector< CARTA::SetSpectralRequirements_SpectralConfig > &spectral_configs)
bool FillSpectralProfileData (std::function< void(CARTA::SpectralProfileData profile_data)> cb, int region_id, bool stokes_changed)
void WaitForTaskCancellation ()
bool IsConnected ()
std::shared_ptr< casacore::LCRegion > GetImageRegion (int file_id, std::shared_ptr< Region > region, const StokesSource &stokes_source=StokesSource(), bool report_error=true)
bool GetImageRegion (int file_id, const AxisRange &z_range, int stokes, StokesRegion &stokes_region)
casacore::IPosition GetRegionShape (const StokesRegion &stokes_region)
bool GetRegionSubImage (const StokesRegion &stokes_region, casacore::SubImage< float > &sub_image)
bool GetSlicerSubImage (const StokesSlicer &stokes_slicer, casacore::SubImage< float > &sub_image)
bool GetRegionData (const StokesRegion &stokes_region, std::vector< float > &data, bool report_performance=true)
bool GetSlicerData (const StokesSlicer &stokes_slicer, float *data)
bool GetRegionStats (const StokesRegion &stokes_region, const std::vector< CARTA::StatsType > &required_stats, bool per_z, std::map< CARTA::StatsType, std::vector< double > > &stats_values)
bool GetSlicerStats (const StokesSlicer &stokes_slicer, std::vector< CARTA::StatsType > &required_stats, bool per_z, std::map< CARTA::StatsType, std::vector< double > > &stats_values)
bool UseLoaderSpectralData (const casacore::IPosition &region_shape)
bool GetLoaderPointSpectralData (std::vector< float > &profile, int stokes, CARTA::Point &point)
bool GetLoaderSpectralData (int region_id, const AxisRange &z_range, int stokes, const casacore::ArrayLattice< casacore::Bool > &mask, const casacore::IPosition &origin, std::map< CARTA::StatsType, std::vector< double > > &results, float &progress)
bool CalculateMoments (int file_id, GeneratorProgressCallback progress_callback, const StokesRegion &stokes_region, const CARTA::MomentRequest &moment_request, CARTA::MomentResponse &moment_response, std::vector< GeneratedImage > &collapse_results, RegionState region_state=RegionState())
void StopMomentCalc ()
bool FitImage (const CARTA::FittingRequest &fitting_request, CARTA::FittingResponse &fitting_response, GeneratedImage &model_image, GeneratedImage &residual_image, GeneratorProgressCallback progress_callback, StokesRegion *stokes_region=nullptr)
void StopFitting ()
void SaveFile (const std::string &root_folder, const CARTA::SaveFile &save_file_msg, CARTA::SaveFileAck &save_file_ack, std::shared_ptr< Region > image_region)
bool GetStokesTypeIndex (const string &coordinate, int &stokes_index)
std::string GetStokesType (int stokes_index)
std::shared_mutex & GetActiveTaskMutex ()
std::shared_ptr< casacore::ImageInterface< float > > GetImage ()
void CloseCachedImage (const std::string &file)
bool SetVectorOverlayParameters (const CARTA::SetVectorOverlayParameters &message)
bool GetDownsampledRasterData (std::vector< float > &data, int &downsampled_width, int &downsampled_height, int z, int stokes, CARTA::ImageBounds &bounds, int mip)
bool CalculateVectorField (const std::function< void(CARTA::VectorOverlayTileData &)> &callback)

Protected Member Functions

bool CheckZ (int z)
bool CheckStokes (int stokes)
bool ZStokesChanged (int z, int stokes)
bool FillImageCache ()
void InvalidateImageCache ()
bool GetRasterData (int z, std::vector< float > &image_data, CARTA::ImageBounds &bounds, int mip, bool mean_filter=true)
bool GetRasterTileData (int z, std::shared_ptr< std::vector< float > > &tile_data_ptr, const Tile &tile, int &width, int &height)
void GetZMatrix (std::vector< float > &z_matrix, size_t z, size_t stokes)
int AutoBinSize ()
bool FillHistogramFromLoaderCache (int z, int stokes, int num_bins, CARTA::Histogram *histogram)
bool FillHistogramFromFrameCache (int z, int stokes, int num_bins, const HistogramBounds &bounds, CARTA::Histogram *histogram)
bool GetCachedImageHistogram (int z, int stokes, int num_bins, const HistogramBounds &bounds, Histogram &hist)
bool GetCachedCubeHistogram (int stokes, int num_bins, const HistogramBounds &bounds, Histogram &hist)
bool HasSpectralConfig (const SpectralConfig &config)
bool ExportCASAImage (casacore::ImageInterface< casacore::Float > &image, fs::path output_filename, std::string &message)
bool ExportFITSImage (casacore::ImageInterface< casacore::Float > &image, fs::path output_filename, std::string &message)
void ValidateChannelStokes (std::vector< int > &channels, std::vector< int > &stokes, const CARTA::SaveFile &save_file_msg)
casacore::Slicer GetExportImageSlicer (const CARTA::SaveFile &save_file_msg, casacore::IPosition image_shape)
casacore::Slicer GetExportRegionSlicer (const CARTA::SaveFile &save_file_msg, casacore::IPosition image_shape, casacore::IPosition region_shape, casacore::LattRegionHolder &latt_region_holder)
int CacheKey (int z, int stokes)
bool DoVectorFieldCalculation (const std::function< void(CARTA::VectorOverlayTileData &)> &callback)

Protected Attributes

uint32_t _session_id
bool _valid
std::string _open_image_error
volatile bool _connected = true
std::shared_ptr< FileLoader_loader
casacore::IPosition _image_shape
AxesInfo _axes
DimsInfo _dims
int _z_index
int _stokes_index
AxisRange _all_x
AxisRange _all_y
AxisRange _all_z
CARTA::AddRequiredTiles _required_animation_tiles
PointXy _cursor
ContourSettings _contour_settings
long long int _image_cache_size
std::unique_ptr< float[]> _image_cache
bool _image_cache_valid
queuing_rw_mutex _cache_mutex
std::mutex _image_mutex
bool _cache_loaded
std::mutex _ignore_interrupt_X_mutex
std::mutex _ignore_interrupt_Y_mutex
bool _use_tile_cache
TileCache _tile_cache
std::shared_ptr< TilePool_tile_pool
std::shared_mutex _active_task_mutex
std::vector< HistogramConfig_image_histogram_configs
std::vector< HistogramConfig_cube_histogram_configs
std::vector< CARTA::SetStatsRequirements_StatsConfig > _image_required_stats
std::vector< CARTA::SetSpatialRequirements_SpatialConfig > _cursor_spatial_configs
std::vector< SpectralConfig_cursor_spectral_configs
std::mutex _spectral_mutex
std::unordered_map< int, std::vector< Histogram > > _image_histograms
std::unordered_map< int, std::vector< Histogram > > _cube_histograms
std::unordered_map< int, BasicStats< float > > _image_basic_stats
std::unordered_map< int, BasicStats< float > > _cube_basic_stats
std::unordered_map< int, std::map< CARTA::StatsType, double > > _image_stats
std::unique_ptr< MomentGenerator_moment_generator
int _moment_name_index
std::unique_ptr< ImageFitter_image_fitter
VectorField _vector_field

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Frame()

carta::Frame::Frame ( uint32_t  session_id,
std::shared_ptr< FileLoader loader,
const std::string &  hdu,
int  default_z = DEFAULT_Z,
bool  load_image_cache = true 
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ~Frame()

carta::Frame::~Frame ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ AutoBinSize()

int carta::Frame::AutoBinSize ( )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Axes()

AxesInfo carta::Frame::Axes ( )

◆ CacheCubeHistogram()

void carta::Frame::CacheCubeHistogram ( int  stokes,
Histogram hist 

◆ CacheCubeStats()

void carta::Frame::CacheCubeStats ( int  stokes,
BasicStats< float > &  stats 

◆ CacheKey()

int carta::Frame::CacheKey ( int  z,
int  stokes 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ CalculateHistogram()

bool carta::Frame::CalculateHistogram ( int  region_id,
int  z,
int  stokes,
int  num_bins,
const HistogramBounds bounds,
Histogram hist 
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ CalculateMoments()

bool carta::Frame::CalculateMoments ( int  file_id,
GeneratorProgressCallback  progress_callback,
const StokesRegion stokes_region,
const CARTA::MomentRequest &  moment_request,
CARTA::MomentResponse &  moment_response,
std::vector< GeneratedImage > &  collapse_results,
RegionState  region_state = RegionState() 
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ CalculateVectorField()

bool carta::Frame::CalculateVectorField ( const std::function< void(CARTA::VectorOverlayTileData &)> &  callback)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ CheckStokes()

bool carta::Frame::CheckStokes ( int  stokes)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ CheckZ()

bool carta::Frame::CheckZ ( int  z)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ CloseCachedImage()

void carta::Frame::CloseCachedImage ( const std::string &  file)

◆ ContourImage()

bool carta::Frame::ContourImage ( ContourCallback partial_contour_callback,
int  channel 
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ CoordinateSystem()

std::shared_ptr< casacore::CoordinateSystem > carta::Frame::CoordinateSystem ( const StokesSource stokes_source = StokesSource())
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ CurrentStokes()

int carta::Frame::CurrentStokes ( )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ CurrentZ()

int carta::Frame::CurrentZ ( )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Depth()

size_t carta::Frame::Depth ( )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Dims()

DimsInfo carta::Frame::Dims ( )

◆ DoVectorFieldCalculation()

bool carta::Frame::DoVectorFieldCalculation ( const std::function< void(CARTA::VectorOverlayTileData &)> &  callback)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ExportCASAImage()

bool carta::Frame::ExportCASAImage ( casacore::ImageInterface< casacore::Float > &  image,
fs::path  output_filename,
std::string &  message 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ExportFITSImage()

bool carta::Frame::ExportFITSImage ( casacore::ImageInterface< casacore::Float > &  image,
fs::path  output_filename,
std::string &  message 
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ FillHistogramFromFrameCache()

bool carta::Frame::FillHistogramFromFrameCache ( int  z,
int  stokes,
int  num_bins,
const HistogramBounds bounds,
CARTA::Histogram *  histogram 
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ FillHistogramFromLoaderCache()

bool carta::Frame::FillHistogramFromLoaderCache ( int  z,
int  stokes,
int  num_bins,
CARTA::Histogram *  histogram 
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ FillImageCache()

bool carta::Frame::FillImageCache ( )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ FillRasterTileData()

bool carta::Frame::FillRasterTileData ( CARTA::RasterTileData &  raster_tile_data,
const Tile tile,
int  z,
int  stokes,
CARTA::CompressionType  compression_type,
float  compression_quality,
bool  is_current_z 
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ FillRegionHistogramData()

bool carta::Frame::FillRegionHistogramData ( std::function< void(CARTA::RegionHistogramData histogram_data)>  region_histogram_callback,
int  region_id,
int  file_id,
bool  channel_changed 
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ FillRegionStatsData()

bool carta::Frame::FillRegionStatsData ( std::function< void(CARTA::RegionStatsData stats_data)>  stats_data_callback,
int  region_id,
int  file_id 
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ FillSpatialProfileData() [1/2]

bool carta::Frame::FillSpatialProfileData ( PointXy  point,
std::vector< CARTA::SetSpatialRequirements_SpatialConfig >  spatial_configs,
std::vector< CARTA::SpatialProfileData > &  spatial_data_vec 
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ FillSpatialProfileData() [2/2]

bool carta::Frame::FillSpatialProfileData ( std::vector< CARTA::SpatialProfileData > &  spatial_data_vec)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ FillSpectralProfileData()

bool carta::Frame::FillSpectralProfileData ( std::function< void(CARTA::SpectralProfileData profile_data)>  cb,
int  region_id,
bool  stokes_changed 
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ FitImage()

bool carta::Frame::FitImage ( const CARTA::FittingRequest &  fitting_request,
CARTA::FittingResponse &  fitting_response,
GeneratedImage model_image,
GeneratedImage residual_image,
GeneratorProgressCallback  progress_callback,
StokesRegion stokes_region = nullptr 
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetActiveTaskMutex()

std::shared_mutex & carta::Frame::GetActiveTaskMutex ( )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetAnimationViewSettings()

CARTA::AddRequiredTiles carta::Frame::GetAnimationViewSettings ( )

◆ GetBasicStats()

bool carta::Frame::GetBasicStats ( int  z,
int  stokes,
BasicStats< float > &  stats 
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetBeams()

bool carta::Frame::GetBeams ( std::vector< CARTA::Beam > &  beams)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetCachedCubeHistogram()

bool carta::Frame::GetCachedCubeHistogram ( int  stokes,
int  num_bins,
const HistogramBounds bounds,
Histogram hist 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetCachedImageHistogram()

bool carta::Frame::GetCachedImageHistogram ( int  z,
int  stokes,
int  num_bins,
const HistogramBounds bounds,
Histogram hist 
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetContourParameters()

ContourSettings & carta::Frame::GetContourParameters ( )

◆ GetCubeHistogramConfig()

bool carta::Frame::GetCubeHistogramConfig ( HistogramConfig config)

◆ GetDownsampledRasterData()

bool carta::Frame::GetDownsampledRasterData ( std::vector< float > &  data,
int &  downsampled_width,
int &  downsampled_height,
int  z,
int  stokes,
CARTA::ImageBounds &  bounds,
int  mip 
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetErrorMessage()

std::string carta::Frame::GetErrorMessage ( )

◆ GetExportImageSlicer()

casacore::Slicer carta::Frame::GetExportImageSlicer ( const CARTA::SaveFile &  save_file_msg,
casacore::IPosition  image_shape 
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetExportRegionSlicer()

casacore::Slicer carta::Frame::GetExportRegionSlicer ( const CARTA::SaveFile &  save_file_msg,
casacore::IPosition  image_shape,
casacore::IPosition  region_shape,
casacore::LattRegionHolder &  latt_region_holder 
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetFileName()

std::string carta::Frame::GetFileName ( )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetImage()

std::shared_ptr< casacore::ImageInterface< float > > carta::Frame::GetImage ( )

◆ GetImageRegion() [1/2]

bool carta::Frame::GetImageRegion ( int  file_id,
const AxisRange z_range,
int  stokes,
StokesRegion stokes_region 
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetImageRegion() [2/2]

std::shared_ptr< casacore::LCRegion > carta::Frame::GetImageRegion ( int  file_id,
std::shared_ptr< Region region,
const StokesSource stokes_source = StokesSource(),
bool  report_error = true 
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetImageSlicer() [1/2]

StokesSlicer carta::Frame::GetImageSlicer ( const AxisRange x_range,
const AxisRange y_range,
const AxisRange z_range,
int  stokes 
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetImageSlicer() [2/2]

StokesSlicer carta::Frame::GetImageSlicer ( const AxisRange z_range,
int  stokes 
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetLoaderPointSpectralData()

bool carta::Frame::GetLoaderPointSpectralData ( std::vector< float > &  profile,
int  stokes,
CARTA::Point &  point 

◆ GetLoaderSpectralData()

bool carta::Frame::GetLoaderSpectralData ( int  region_id,
const AxisRange z_range,
int  stokes,
const casacore::ArrayLattice< casacore::Bool > &  mask,
const casacore::IPosition &  origin,
std::map< CARTA::StatsType, std::vector< double > > &  results,
float &  progress 

◆ GetRasterData()

bool carta::Frame::GetRasterData ( int  z,
std::vector< float > &  image_data,
CARTA::ImageBounds &  bounds,
int  mip,
bool  mean_filter = true 
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetRasterTileData()

bool carta::Frame::GetRasterTileData ( int  z,
std::shared_ptr< std::vector< float > > &  tile_data_ptr,
const Tile tile,
int &  width,
int &  height 
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetRegionData()

bool carta::Frame::GetRegionData ( const StokesRegion stokes_region,
std::vector< float > &  data,
bool  report_performance = true 
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetRegionShape()

casacore::IPosition carta::Frame::GetRegionShape ( const StokesRegion stokes_region)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetRegionStats()

bool carta::Frame::GetRegionStats ( const StokesRegion stokes_region,
const std::vector< CARTA::StatsType > &  required_stats,
bool  per_z,
std::map< CARTA::StatsType, std::vector< double > > &  stats_values 
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetRegionSubImage()

bool carta::Frame::GetRegionSubImage ( const StokesRegion stokes_region,
casacore::SubImage< float > &  sub_image 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetSlicerData()

bool carta::Frame::GetSlicerData ( const StokesSlicer stokes_slicer,
float *  data 
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetSlicerStats()

bool carta::Frame::GetSlicerStats ( const StokesSlicer stokes_slicer,
std::vector< CARTA::StatsType > &  required_stats,
bool  per_z,
std::map< CARTA::StatsType, std::vector< double > > &  stats_values 
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetSlicerSubImage()

bool carta::Frame::GetSlicerSubImage ( const StokesSlicer stokes_slicer,
casacore::SubImage< float > &  sub_image 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetStokesType()

std::string carta::Frame::GetStokesType ( int  stokes_index)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetStokesTypeIndex()

bool carta::Frame::GetStokesTypeIndex ( const string &  coordinate,
int &  stokes_index 
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetZMatrix()

void carta::Frame::GetZMatrix ( std::vector< float > &  z_matrix,
size_t  z,
size_t  stokes 
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ HasSpectralConfig()

bool carta::Frame::HasSpectralConfig ( const SpectralConfig config)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Height()

size_t carta::Frame::Height ( )

◆ ImageShape()

casacore::IPosition carta::Frame::ImageShape ( const StokesSource stokes_source = StokesSource())
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ InvalidateImageCache()

void carta::Frame::InvalidateImageCache ( )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IsConnected()

bool carta::Frame::IsConnected ( )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IsCurrentZStokes()

bool carta::Frame::IsCurrentZStokes ( const StokesSource stokes_source)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IsValid()

bool carta::Frame::IsValid ( )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ NumStokes()

size_t carta::Frame::NumStokes ( )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SaveFile()

void carta::Frame::SaveFile ( const std::string &  root_folder,
const CARTA::SaveFile &  save_file_msg,
CARTA::SaveFileAck &  save_file_ack,
std::shared_ptr< Region image_region 
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ SetAnimationViewSettings()

void carta::Frame::SetAnimationViewSettings ( const CARTA::AddRequiredTiles &  required_animation_tiles)

◆ SetContourParameters()

bool carta::Frame::SetContourParameters ( const CARTA::SetContourParameters &  message)

◆ SetCursor()

bool carta::Frame::SetCursor ( float  x,
float  y 

◆ SetHistogramRequirements()

bool carta::Frame::SetHistogramRequirements ( int  region_id,
const std::vector< CARTA::HistogramConfig > &  histogram_configs 

◆ SetImageChannels()

bool carta::Frame::SetImageChannels ( int  new_z,
int  new_stokes,
std::string &  message 
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ SetSpatialRequirements()

void carta::Frame::SetSpatialRequirements ( const std::vector< CARTA::SetSpatialRequirements_SpatialConfig > &  spatial_profiles)

◆ SetSpectralRequirements()

bool carta::Frame::SetSpectralRequirements ( int  region_id,
const std::vector< CARTA::SetSpectralRequirements_SpectralConfig > &  spectral_configs 
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ SetStatsRequirements()

bool carta::Frame::SetStatsRequirements ( int  region_id,
const std::vector< CARTA::SetStatsRequirements_StatsConfig > &  stats_configs 

◆ SetVectorOverlayParameters()

bool carta::Frame::SetVectorOverlayParameters ( const CARTA::SetVectorOverlayParameters &  message)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ SpectralAxis()

int carta::Frame::SpectralAxis ( )

◆ StokesAxis()

int carta::Frame::StokesAxis ( )

◆ StopFitting()

void carta::Frame::StopFitting ( )

◆ StopMomentCalc()

void carta::Frame::StopMomentCalc ( )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ UseLoaderSpectralData()

bool carta::Frame::UseLoaderSpectralData ( const casacore::IPosition &  region_shape)

◆ ValidateChannelStokes()

void carta::Frame::ValidateChannelStokes ( std::vector< int > &  channels,
std::vector< int > &  stokes,
const CARTA::SaveFile &  save_file_msg 
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ WaitForTaskCancellation()

void carta::Frame::WaitForTaskCancellation ( )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Width()

size_t carta::Frame::Width ( )

◆ XAxis()

int carta::Frame::XAxis ( )

◆ YAxis()

int carta::Frame::YAxis ( )

◆ ZAxis()

int carta::Frame::ZAxis ( )

◆ ZStokesChanged()

bool carta::Frame::ZStokesChanged ( int  z,
int  stokes 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

◆ _active_task_mutex

std::shared_mutex carta::Frame::_active_task_mutex

◆ _all_x

AxisRange carta::Frame::_all_x

◆ _all_y

AxisRange carta::Frame::_all_y

◆ _all_z

AxisRange carta::Frame::_all_z

◆ _axes

AxesInfo carta::Frame::_axes

◆ _cache_loaded

bool carta::Frame::_cache_loaded

◆ _cache_mutex

queuing_rw_mutex carta::Frame::_cache_mutex

◆ _connected

volatile bool carta::Frame::_connected = true

◆ _contour_settings

ContourSettings carta::Frame::_contour_settings

◆ _cube_basic_stats

std::unordered_map<int, BasicStats<float> > carta::Frame::_cube_basic_stats

◆ _cube_histogram_configs

std::vector<HistogramConfig> carta::Frame::_cube_histogram_configs

◆ _cube_histograms

std::unordered_map<int, std::vector<Histogram> > carta::Frame::_cube_histograms

◆ _cursor

PointXy carta::Frame::_cursor

◆ _cursor_spatial_configs

std::vector<CARTA::SetSpatialRequirements_SpatialConfig> carta::Frame::_cursor_spatial_configs

◆ _cursor_spectral_configs

std::vector<SpectralConfig> carta::Frame::_cursor_spectral_configs

◆ _dims

DimsInfo carta::Frame::_dims

◆ _ignore_interrupt_X_mutex

std::mutex carta::Frame::_ignore_interrupt_X_mutex

◆ _ignore_interrupt_Y_mutex

std::mutex carta::Frame::_ignore_interrupt_Y_mutex

◆ _image_basic_stats

std::unordered_map<int, BasicStats<float> > carta::Frame::_image_basic_stats

◆ _image_cache

std::unique_ptr<float[]> carta::Frame::_image_cache

◆ _image_cache_size

long long int carta::Frame::_image_cache_size

◆ _image_cache_valid

bool carta::Frame::_image_cache_valid

◆ _image_fitter

std::unique_ptr<ImageFitter> carta::Frame::_image_fitter

◆ _image_histogram_configs

std::vector<HistogramConfig> carta::Frame::_image_histogram_configs

◆ _image_histograms

std::unordered_map<int, std::vector<Histogram> > carta::Frame::_image_histograms

◆ _image_mutex

std::mutex carta::Frame::_image_mutex

◆ _image_required_stats

std::vector<CARTA::SetStatsRequirements_StatsConfig> carta::Frame::_image_required_stats

◆ _image_shape

casacore::IPosition carta::Frame::_image_shape

◆ _image_stats

std::unordered_map<int, std::map<CARTA::StatsType, double> > carta::Frame::_image_stats

◆ _loader

std::shared_ptr<FileLoader> carta::Frame::_loader

◆ _moment_generator

std::unique_ptr<MomentGenerator> carta::Frame::_moment_generator

◆ _moment_name_index

int carta::Frame::_moment_name_index

◆ _open_image_error

std::string carta::Frame::_open_image_error

◆ _required_animation_tiles

CARTA::AddRequiredTiles carta::Frame::_required_animation_tiles

◆ _session_id

uint32_t carta::Frame::_session_id

◆ _spectral_mutex

std::mutex carta::Frame::_spectral_mutex

◆ _stokes_index

int carta::Frame::_stokes_index

◆ _tile_cache

TileCache carta::Frame::_tile_cache

◆ _tile_pool

std::shared_ptr<TilePool> carta::Frame::_tile_pool

◆ _use_tile_cache

bool carta::Frame::_use_tile_cache

◆ _valid

bool carta::Frame::_valid

◆ _vector_field

VectorField carta::Frame::_vector_field

◆ _z_index

int carta::Frame::_z_index

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: