CARTA Backend
The backend component of CARTA
No Matches
Message Class Reference

#include <Message.h>

Static Public Member Functions

static CARTA::RegisterViewer RegisterViewer (uint32_t session_id, std::string api_key, uint32_t client_feature_flags)
static CARTA::CloseFile CloseFile (int32_t file_id)
static CARTA::OpenFile OpenFile (std::string directory, std::string file, bool lel_expr, std::string hdu, int32_t file_id, bool support_aips_beam, CARTA::RenderMode render_mode=CARTA::RenderMode::RASTER)
static CARTA::SetImageChannels SetImageChannels (int32_t file_id, int32_t channel, int32_t stokes, CARTA::CompressionType compression_type=CARTA::CompressionType::NONE, float compression_quality=-1)
static CARTA::SetCursor SetCursor (int32_t file_id, float x, float y)
static CARTA::SetSpatialRequirements SetSpatialRequirements (int32_t file_id, int32_t region_id)
static CARTA::SetStatsRequirements SetStatsRequirements (int32_t file_id, int32_t region_id)
static CARTA::SetHistogramRequirements SetHistogramRequirements (int32_t file_id, int32_t region_id, int32_t channel=CURRENT_Z, int32_t num_bins=AUTO_BIN_SIZE)
static CARTA::AddRequiredTiles AddRequiredTiles (int32_t file_id, CARTA::CompressionType compression_type, float compression_quality, const std::vector< int32_t > &tiles)
static CARTA::Point Point (float x, float y)
static CARTA::Point Point (const casacore::Vector< casacore::Double > &input, int x_index=0, int y_index=1)
static CARTA::Point Point (const std::vector< casacore::Quantity > &input, int x_index=0, int y_index=1)
static CARTA::Point Point (const std::vector< double > &input, int x_index=0, int y_index=1)
static CARTA::SetRegion SetRegion (int32_t file_id, int32_t region_id, CARTA::RegionType region_type, std::vector< CARTA::Point > control_points, float rotation)
static CARTA::SetStatsRequirements SetStatsRequirements (int32_t file_id, int32_t region_id, std::string coordinate)
static CARTA::SetSpectralRequirements SetSpectralRequirements (int32_t file_id, int32_t region_id, std::string coordinate)
static CARTA::StartAnimation StartAnimation (int32_t file_id, std::pair< int32_t, int32_t > first_frame, std::pair< int32_t, int32_t > start_frame, std::pair< int32_t, int32_t > last_frame, std::pair< int32_t, int32_t > delta_frame, CARTA::CompressionType compression_type, float compression_quality, const std::vector< float > &tiles, int32_t frame_rate=5)
static CARTA::AnimationFlowControl AnimationFlowControl (int32_t file_id, std::pair< int32_t, int32_t > received_frame)
static CARTA::StopAnimation StopAnimation (int32_t file_id, std::pair< int32_t, int32_t > end_frame)
static CARTA::SetSpatialRequirements_SpatialConfig SpatialConfig (std::string coordinate, int32_t start=0, int32_t end=0, int32_t mip=0, int32_t width=0)
static CARTA::IntBounds IntBounds (int32_t min, int32_t max)
static CARTA::FloatBounds FloatBounds (float min, float max)
static CARTA::MomentRequest MomentsRequest (int32_t file_id, int32_t region_id, CARTA::MomentAxis moments_axis, CARTA::MomentMask moment_mask, CARTA::IntBounds spectral_range, CARTA::FloatBounds pixel_range, bool keep=false)
static CARTA::ImageProperties ImageProperties (std::string directory, std::string file, std::string hdu, int32_t file_id, CARTA::RenderMode render_mode, int32_t channel, int32_t stokes)
static CARTA::ResumeSession ResumeSession (std::vector< CARTA::ImageProperties > images)
static CARTA::SetSpectralRequirements_SpectralConfig SpectralConfig (const std::string &coordinate)
static CARTA::FileListRequest FileListRequest (const std::string &directory)
static CARTA::FileInfoRequest FileInfoRequest (const std::string &directory, const std::string &file, const std::string &hdu="")
static CARTA::SetContourParameters SetContourParameters (uint32_t file_id, uint32_t ref_file_id, int32_t x_min, int32_t x_max, int32_t y_min, int32_t y_max, const std::vector< double > &levels, CARTA::SmoothingMode smoothing_mode, int32_t smoothing_factor, int32_t decimation_factor, int32_t compression_level, int32_t contour_chunk_size)
static CARTA::SetVectorOverlayParameters SetVectorOverlayParameters (uint32_t file_id, uint32_t mip, bool fractional, double threshold, bool debiasing, double q_error, double u_error, int32_t stokes_intensity, int32_t stokes_angle, const CARTA::CompressionType &compression_type, float compression_quality)
static CARTA::ImageBounds ImageBounds (int32_t x_min, int32_t x_max, int32_t y_min, int32_t y_max)
static CARTA::SetRegion SetRegion (int32_t file_id, int32_t region_id, const CARTA::RegionInfo &region_info)
static CARTA::ConcatStokesFiles ConcatStokesFiles (int32_t file_id, const google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< CARTA::StokesFile > &stokes_files)
static CARTA::DoublePoint DoublePoint (double x, double y)
static CARTA::GaussianComponent GaussianComponent (const CARTA::DoublePoint &center, double amp, const CARTA::DoublePoint &fwhm, double pa)
static CARTA::ScriptingRequest ScriptingRequest (uint32_t scripting_request_id, const std::string &target, const std::string &action, const std::string &parameters, bool async, const std::string &return_path)
static CARTA::ChannelMapFlowControl ChannelMapFlowControl (int32_t file_id, int32_t received_channel)
static CARTA::SpectralProfileData SpectralProfileData (int32_t file_id, int32_t region_id, int32_t stokes, float progress, std::string &coordinate, std::vector< CARTA::StatsType > &required_stats, std::map< CARTA::StatsType, std::vector< double > > &spectral_data)
static CARTA::SpectralProfileData SpectralProfileData (int32_t stokes, float progress)
static CARTA::SpatialProfileData SpatialProfileData (int32_t file_id, int32_t region_id, int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t channel, int32_t stokes, float value, int32_t start, int32_t end, std::vector< float > &profile, std::string &coordinate, int32_t mip, CARTA::ProfileAxisType axis_type, float crpix, float crval, float cdelt, std::string &unit)
static CARTA::SpatialProfileData SpatialProfileData (int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t channel, int32_t stokes, float value)
static CARTA::RasterTileSync RasterTileSync (int32_t file_id, int32_t channel, int32_t stokes, int32_t sync_id, int32_t animation_id, int32_t tile_count, bool end_sync)
static CARTA::SetRegionAck SetRegionAck (int32_t region_id, bool success, std::string err_message)
static CARTA::RegisterViewerAck RegisterViewerAck (uint32_t session_id, bool success, const std::string &status, const CARTA::SessionType &type)
static CARTA::MomentProgress MomentProgress (int32_t file_id, float progress)
static CARTA::PvRequest PvRequest (int32_t file_id, int32_t region_id, int32_t width, int z_min=-1, int32_t z_max=-1, bool reverse=false, bool keep=false)
static CARTA::PvProgress PvProgress (int32_t file_id, float progress, int32_t preview_id=0)
static CARTA::RemoteFileRequest RemoteFileRequest (int32_t file_id, const std::string &hips, const std::string &wcs, int32_t width, int32_t height, const std::string &projection, float fov, float ra, float dec, const std::string &coordsys, float rotation_angle, const std::string &object)
static CARTA::FittingProgress FittingProgress (int32_t file_id, float progress)
static CARTA::RegionHistogramData RegionHistogramData (int32_t file_id, int32_t region_id, int32_t channel, int32_t stokes, float progress, const carta::HistogramConfig &hist_config)
static CARTA::ContourImageData ContourImageData (int32_t file_id, uint32_t reference_file_id, int32_t channel, int32_t stokes, double progress)
static CARTA::VectorOverlayTileData VectorOverlayTileData (int32_t file_id, int32_t channel, int32_t stokes_intensity, int32_t stokes_angle, const CARTA::CompressionType &compression_type, float compression_quality)
static CARTA::ErrorData ErrorData (const std::string &message, std::vector< std::string > tags, CARTA::ErrorSeverity severity)
static CARTA::FileInfo FileInfo (const std::string &name, CARTA::FileType type, int64_t size=0, const std::string &hdu="")
static CARTA::RasterTileData RasterTileData (int32_t file_id, int32_t sync_id, int32_t animation_id)
static CARTA::StartAnimationAck StartAnimationAck (bool success, int32_t animation_id, const std::string &message)
static CARTA::ImportRegionAck ImportRegionAck (bool success, const std::string &message)
static CARTA::RegionStatsData RegionStatsData (int32_t file_id, int32_t region_id, int32_t channel, int32_t stokes)
static CARTA::Beam Beam (int32_t channel, int32_t stokes, float major_axis, float minor_axis, float pa)
static CARTA::ListProgress ListProgress (const CARTA::FileListType &file_list_type, int32_t total_count, int32_t checked_count, float percentage)
static CARTA::EventType EventType (std::vector< char > &message)
template<typename T >
static T DecodeMessage (std::vector< char > &message)

Private Member Functions

 Message ()
 ~Message ()=default

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Message()

Message::Message ( )

◆ ~Message()

Message::~Message ( )
Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddRequiredTiles()

CARTA::AddRequiredTiles Message::AddRequiredTiles ( int32_t  file_id,
CARTA::CompressionType  compression_type,
float  compression_quality,
const std::vector< int32_t > &  tiles 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ AnimationFlowControl()

CARTA::AnimationFlowControl Message::AnimationFlowControl ( int32_t  file_id,
std::pair< int32_t, int32_t >  received_frame 

◆ Beam()

CARTA::Beam Message::Beam ( int32_t  channel,
int32_t  stokes,
float  major_axis,
float  minor_axis,
float  pa 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ChannelMapFlowControl()

CARTA::ChannelMapFlowControl Message::ChannelMapFlowControl ( int32_t  file_id,
int32_t  received_channel 

◆ CloseFile()

CARTA::CloseFile Message::CloseFile ( int32_t  file_id)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ConcatStokesFiles()

CARTA::ConcatStokesFiles Message::ConcatStokesFiles ( int32_t  file_id,
const google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< CARTA::StokesFile > &  stokes_files 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ContourImageData()

CARTA::ContourImageData Message::ContourImageData ( int32_t  file_id,
uint32_t  reference_file_id,
int32_t  channel,
int32_t  stokes,
double  progress 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ DecodeMessage()

template<typename T >
static T Message::DecodeMessage ( std::vector< char > &  message)

◆ DoublePoint()

CARTA::DoublePoint Message::DoublePoint ( double  x,
double  y 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ErrorData()

CARTA::ErrorData Message::ErrorData ( const std::string &  message,
std::vector< std::string >  tags,
CARTA::ErrorSeverity  severity 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ EventType()

CARTA::EventType Message::EventType ( std::vector< char > &  message)

◆ FileInfo()

CARTA::FileInfo Message::FileInfo ( const std::string &  name,
CARTA::FileType  type,
int64_t  size = 0,
const std::string &  hdu = "" 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ FileInfoRequest()

CARTA::FileInfoRequest Message::FileInfoRequest ( const std::string &  directory,
const std::string &  file,
const std::string &  hdu = "" 

◆ FileListRequest()

CARTA::FileListRequest Message::FileListRequest ( const std::string &  directory)

◆ FittingProgress()

CARTA::FittingProgress Message::FittingProgress ( int32_t  file_id,
float  progress 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ FloatBounds()

CARTA::FloatBounds Message::FloatBounds ( float  min,
float  max 

◆ GaussianComponent()

CARTA::GaussianComponent Message::GaussianComponent ( const CARTA::DoublePoint &  center,
double  amp,
const CARTA::DoublePoint &  fwhm,
double  pa 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ImageBounds()

CARTA::ImageBounds Message::ImageBounds ( int32_t  x_min,
int32_t  x_max,
int32_t  y_min,
int32_t  y_max 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ImageProperties()

CARTA::ImageProperties Message::ImageProperties ( std::string  directory,
std::string  file,
std::string  hdu,
int32_t  file_id,
CARTA::RenderMode  render_mode,
int32_t  channel,
int32_t  stokes 

◆ ImportRegionAck()

CARTA::ImportRegionAck Message::ImportRegionAck ( bool  success,
const std::string &  message 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntBounds()

CARTA::IntBounds Message::IntBounds ( int32_t  min,
int32_t  max 

◆ ListProgress()

CARTA::ListProgress Message::ListProgress ( const CARTA::FileListType &  file_list_type,
int32_t  total_count,
int32_t  checked_count,
float  percentage 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ MomentProgress()

CARTA::MomentProgress Message::MomentProgress ( int32_t  file_id,
float  progress 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ MomentsRequest()

CARTA::MomentRequest Message::MomentsRequest ( int32_t  file_id,
int32_t  region_id,
CARTA::MomentAxis  moments_axis,
CARTA::MomentMask  moment_mask,
CARTA::IntBounds  spectral_range,
CARTA::FloatBounds  pixel_range,
bool  keep = false 

◆ OpenFile()

CARTA::OpenFile Message::OpenFile ( std::string  directory,
std::string  file,
bool  lel_expr,
std::string  hdu,
int32_t  file_id,
bool  support_aips_beam,
CARTA::RenderMode  render_mode = CARTA::RenderMode::RASTER 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Point() [1/4]

CARTA::Point Message::Point ( const casacore::Vector< casacore::Double > &  input,
int  x_index = 0,
int  y_index = 1 
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Point() [2/4]

CARTA::Point Message::Point ( const std::vector< casacore::Quantity > &  input,
int  x_index = 0,
int  y_index = 1 
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Point() [3/4]

CARTA::Point Message::Point ( const std::vector< double > &  input,
int  x_index = 0,
int  y_index = 1 
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Point() [4/4]

CARTA::Point Message::Point ( float  x,
float  y 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ PvProgress()

CARTA::PvProgress Message::PvProgress ( int32_t  file_id,
float  progress,
int32_t  preview_id = 0 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ PvRequest()

CARTA::PvRequest Message::PvRequest ( int32_t  file_id,
int32_t  region_id,
int32_t  width,
int  z_min = -1,
int32_t  z_max = -1,
bool  reverse = false,
bool  keep = false 

◆ RasterTileData()

CARTA::RasterTileData Message::RasterTileData ( int32_t  file_id,
int32_t  sync_id,
int32_t  animation_id 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ RasterTileSync()

CARTA::RasterTileSync Message::RasterTileSync ( int32_t  file_id,
int32_t  channel,
int32_t  stokes,
int32_t  sync_id,
int32_t  animation_id,
int32_t  tile_count,
bool  end_sync 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ RegionHistogramData()

CARTA::RegionHistogramData Message::RegionHistogramData ( int32_t  file_id,
int32_t  region_id,
int32_t  channel,
int32_t  stokes,
float  progress,
const carta::HistogramConfig hist_config 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ RegionStatsData()

CARTA::RegionStatsData Message::RegionStatsData ( int32_t  file_id,
int32_t  region_id,
int32_t  channel,
int32_t  stokes 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ RegisterViewer()

CARTA::RegisterViewer Message::RegisterViewer ( uint32_t  session_id,
std::string  api_key,
uint32_t  client_feature_flags 

◆ RegisterViewerAck()

CARTA::RegisterViewerAck Message::RegisterViewerAck ( uint32_t  session_id,
bool  success,
const std::string &  status,
const CARTA::SessionType &  type 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ RemoteFileRequest()

CARTA::RemoteFileRequest Message::RemoteFileRequest ( int32_t  file_id,
const std::string &  hips,
const std::string &  wcs,
int32_t  width,
int32_t  height,
const std::string &  projection,
float  fov,
float  ra,
float  dec,
const std::string &  coordsys,
float  rotation_angle,
const std::string &  object 

◆ ResumeSession()

CARTA::ResumeSession Message::ResumeSession ( std::vector< CARTA::ImageProperties >  images)

◆ ScriptingRequest()

CARTA::ScriptingRequest Message::ScriptingRequest ( uint32_t  scripting_request_id,
const std::string &  target,
const std::string &  action,
const std::string &  parameters,
bool  async,
const std::string &  return_path 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SetContourParameters()

CARTA::SetContourParameters Message::SetContourParameters ( uint32_t  file_id,
uint32_t  ref_file_id,
int32_t  x_min,
int32_t  x_max,
int32_t  y_min,
int32_t  y_max,
const std::vector< double > &  levels,
CARTA::SmoothingMode  smoothing_mode,
int32_t  smoothing_factor,
int32_t  decimation_factor,
int32_t  compression_level,
int32_t  contour_chunk_size 

◆ SetCursor()

CARTA::SetCursor Message::SetCursor ( int32_t  file_id,
float  x,
float  y 

◆ SetHistogramRequirements()

CARTA::SetHistogramRequirements Message::SetHistogramRequirements ( int32_t  file_id,
int32_t  region_id,
int32_t  channel = CURRENT_Z,
int32_t  num_bins = AUTO_BIN_SIZE 

◆ SetImageChannels()

CARTA::SetImageChannels Message::SetImageChannels ( int32_t  file_id,
int32_t  channel,
int32_t  stokes,
CARTA::CompressionType  compression_type = CARTA::CompressionType::NONE,
float  compression_quality = -1 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SetRegion() [1/2]

CARTA::SetRegion Message::SetRegion ( int32_t  file_id,
int32_t  region_id,
CARTA::RegionType  region_type,
std::vector< CARTA::Point >  control_points,
float  rotation 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SetRegion() [2/2]

CARTA::SetRegion Message::SetRegion ( int32_t  file_id,
int32_t  region_id,
const CARTA::RegionInfo &  region_info 

◆ SetRegionAck()

CARTA::SetRegionAck Message::SetRegionAck ( int32_t  region_id,
bool  success,
std::string  err_message 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SetSpatialRequirements()

CARTA::SetSpatialRequirements Message::SetSpatialRequirements ( int32_t  file_id,
int32_t  region_id 

◆ SetSpectralRequirements()

CARTA::SetSpectralRequirements Message::SetSpectralRequirements ( int32_t  file_id,
int32_t  region_id,
std::string  coordinate 

◆ SetStatsRequirements() [1/2]

CARTA::SetStatsRequirements Message::SetStatsRequirements ( int32_t  file_id,
int32_t  region_id 

◆ SetStatsRequirements() [2/2]

CARTA::SetStatsRequirements Message::SetStatsRequirements ( int32_t  file_id,
int32_t  region_id,
std::string  coordinate 

◆ SetVectorOverlayParameters()

CARTA::SetVectorOverlayParameters Message::SetVectorOverlayParameters ( uint32_t  file_id,
uint32_t  mip,
bool  fractional,
double  threshold,
bool  debiasing,
double  q_error,
double  u_error,
int32_t  stokes_intensity,
int32_t  stokes_angle,
const CARTA::CompressionType &  compression_type,
float  compression_quality 

◆ SpatialConfig()

CARTA::SetSpatialRequirements_SpatialConfig Message::SpatialConfig ( std::string  coordinate,
int32_t  start = 0,
int32_t  end = 0,
int32_t  mip = 0,
int32_t  width = 0 

◆ SpatialProfileData() [1/2]

CARTA::SpatialProfileData Message::SpatialProfileData ( int32_t  file_id,
int32_t  region_id,
int32_t  x,
int32_t  y,
int32_t  channel,
int32_t  stokes,
float  value,
int32_t  start,
int32_t  end,
std::vector< float > &  profile,
std::string &  coordinate,
int32_t  mip,
CARTA::ProfileAxisType  axis_type,
float  crpix,
float  crval,
float  cdelt,
std::string &  unit 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SpatialProfileData() [2/2]

CARTA::SpatialProfileData Message::SpatialProfileData ( int32_t  x,
int32_t  y,
int32_t  channel,
int32_t  stokes,
float  value 

◆ SpectralConfig()

CARTA::SetSpectralRequirements_SpectralConfig Message::SpectralConfig ( const std::string &  coordinate)

◆ SpectralProfileData() [1/2]

CARTA::SpectralProfileData Message::SpectralProfileData ( int32_t  file_id,
int32_t  region_id,
int32_t  stokes,
float  progress,
std::string &  coordinate,
std::vector< CARTA::StatsType > &  required_stats,
std::map< CARTA::StatsType, std::vector< double > > &  spectral_data 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SpectralProfileData() [2/2]

CARTA::SpectralProfileData Message::SpectralProfileData ( int32_t  stokes,
float  progress 

◆ StartAnimation()

CARTA::StartAnimation Message::StartAnimation ( int32_t  file_id,
std::pair< int32_t, int32_t >  first_frame,
std::pair< int32_t, int32_t >  start_frame,
std::pair< int32_t, int32_t >  last_frame,
std::pair< int32_t, int32_t >  delta_frame,
CARTA::CompressionType  compression_type,
float  compression_quality,
const std::vector< float > &  tiles,
int32_t  frame_rate = 5 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ StartAnimationAck()

CARTA::StartAnimationAck Message::StartAnimationAck ( bool  success,
int32_t  animation_id,
const std::string &  message 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ StopAnimation()

CARTA::StopAnimation Message::StopAnimation ( int32_t  file_id,
std::pair< int32_t, int32_t >  end_frame 

◆ VectorOverlayTileData()

CARTA::VectorOverlayTileData Message::VectorOverlayTileData ( int32_t  file_id,
int32_t  channel,
int32_t  stokes_intensity,
int32_t  stokes_angle,
const CARTA::CompressionType &  compression_type,
float  compression_quality 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: