CARTA Backend
The backend component of CARTA
No Matches
Developer FAQ and tips

Building and running unit tests

Enabling tests in the build:

cd build
cmake -Dtest=ON ..
make -j4

Running all the tests (from the build directory):


Running only some tests:

./test/carta_backend_tests --gtest_filter=SuiteName.TestName
./test/carta_backend_tests --gtest_filter=SuiteName.*
./test/carta_backend_tests --gtest_filter=-SuiteToExclude.*

Re-running the same test multiple times:

./test/carta_backend_tests --gtest_filter=SuiteName.TestName --gtest_repeat=100

See ./test/carta_backend_tests --help for a list of commandline parameters that you can pass to the test executable, or the GoogleTest documentation for more information about the GoogleTest library.

Building with ASAN flags

This allows the backend executable or the test executable to be run with additional AddressSanitizer checks. We enable this in our CI. Our configuration suppresses warnings from some external dependencies, like casa and casacore.

To build, pass these additional flags when you invoke cmake:

cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS='-O0 -g -fsanitize=address -fno-omit-frame-pointer' -DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS='-fsanitize=address'

ASAN configuration is stored in the debug directory in the root of the repository. You need to provide paths into this directory to set the appropriate shell variables when invoking the executable.

Invocation example (assuming that you want to run the backend and are in the build subdirectory):

ASAN_OPTIONS=suppressions=../debug/asan/myasan.supp LSAN_OPTIONS=suppressions=../debug/asan/myasan-leaks.supp ASAN_SYMBOLIZER_PATH=llvm-symbolizer ./carta_backend

Checking and fixing code format

To check the code format (from the repository root):

./scripts/ all check

To fix code format issues:

./scripts/ all fix

See ./scripts/ --help for a list of options (e.g. selecting specific checks).

Currently the script can check: the code format (using clang-format), the copyright header, and the newline at the end ofthe file. A more extensive code style check (using clang-tidy) is planned but not yet fully implemented.