![]() |
CARTA Backend
The backend component of CARTA
This is the complete list of members for carta::Session, including all inherited members.
_address | carta::Session | protected |
_animation_active | carta::Session | protected |
_animation_context | carta::Session | protected |
_animation_id | carta::Session | protected |
_animation_object | carta::Session | protected |
_animation_thread | carta::Session | protectedstatic |
_base_context | carta::Session | protected |
_channel_map_received_channel | carta::Session | protected |
_channel_map_settings | carta::Session | protected |
_connected | carta::Session | protected |
_controller_deployment | carta::Session | protectedstatic |
_cursor_settings | carta::Session | |
_enable_scripting | carta::Session | protected |
_exit_after_num_seconds | carta::Session | protectedstatic |
_exit_when_all_sessions_closed | carta::Session | protectedstatic |
_file_list_handler | carta::Session | protected |
_frame_mutex | carta::Session | protected |
_frames | carta::Session | protected |
_histogram_context | carta::Session | protected |
_histogram_progress | carta::Session | protected |
_id | carta::Session | protected |
_image_channel_mutexes | carta::Session | protected |
_image_channel_task_active | carta::Session | protected |
_last_file_id | carta::Session | protected |
_last_message_timestamp | carta::Session | protected |
_loaders | carta::Session | protected |
_loop | carta::Session | protected |
_num_sessions | carta::Session | protectedstatic |
_out_msgs | carta::Session | protected |
_read_only_mode | carta::Session | protected |
_ref_count | carta::Session | protected |
_region_handler | carta::Session | protected |
_remote_file_index | carta::Session | protected |
_scripting_callbacks | carta::Session | protected |
_scripting_mutex | carta::Session | protected |
_set_channel_queues | carta::Session | |
_socket | carta::Session | protected |
_stokes_files_connector | carta::Session | protected |
_sync_id | carta::Session | protected |
_table_controller | carta::Session | protected |
_top_level_folder | carta::Session | protected |
AddCursorSetting(CARTA::SetCursor message, uint32_t request_id) | carta::Session | inline |
AddToSetChannelQueue(CARTA::SetImageChannels message, uint32_t request_id) | carta::Session | |
AnimationActive() | carta::Session | inline |
AnimationContext() | carta::Session | inline |
AnimationRunning() | carta::Session | inline |
BuildAnimationObject(CARTA::StartAnimation &msg, uint32_t request_id) | carta::Session | |
CalculateAnimationFlowWindow() | carta::Session | |
CalculateCubeHistogram(int file_id, CARTA::RegionHistogramData &cube_histogram_message) | carta::Session | protected |
CancelAnimation() | carta::Session | inline |
CancelExistingAnimation() | carta::Session | |
CancelSetHistRequirements() | carta::Session | inline |
CheckCancelAnimationOnFileClose(int file_id) | carta::Session | |
CloseAllScriptingRequests() | carta::Session | |
CloseCachedImage(const std::string &directory, const std::string &file) | carta::Session | |
ConnectCalled() | carta::Session | |
Context() | carta::Session | inline |
CurrentFlowWindowSize() | carta::Session | inline |
DecreaseRefCount() | carta::Session | inline |
DeleteFrame(int file_id) | carta::Session | protected |
ExecuteAnimationFrame() | carta::Session | |
ExecuteAnimationFrameInner(int animation_id) | carta::Session | |
ExecuteSetChannelEvt(std::pair< CARTA::SetImageChannels, uint32_t > request) | carta::Session | inline |
FillExtendedFileInfo(std::map< std::string, CARTA::FileInfoExtended > &hdu_info_map, CARTA::FileInfo &file_info, const std::string &folder, const std::string &filename, const std::string &hdu, bool support_aips_beam, std::string &message) | carta::Session | protected |
FillExtendedFileInfo(CARTA::FileInfoExtended &extended_info, CARTA::FileInfo &file_info, const std::string &folder, const std::string &filename, std::string &hdu_name, bool support_aips_beam, std::string &message, std::string &fullname) | carta::Session | protected |
FillExtendedFileInfo(CARTA::FileInfoExtended &extended_info, std::shared_ptr< casacore::ImageInterface< float > > image, const std::string &filename, std::string &message, std::shared_ptr< FileLoader > &image_loader) | carta::Session | protected |
FillFileInfo(CARTA::FileInfo &file_info, const std::string &folder, const std::string &filename, std::string &fullname, std::string &message) | carta::Session | protected |
GetAddress() | carta::Session | inline |
GetId() | carta::Session | inline |
GetLastMessageTimestamp() | carta::Session | |
GetNextFileId() | carta::Session | inlineprotected |
GetRefCount() | carta::Session | inline |
GetValidChannelMapTiles(int file_id, const CARTA::AddRequiredTiles &required_tiles, std::vector< int > &valid_tiles) | carta::Session | protected |
HandleAnimationFlowControlEvt(CARTA::AnimationFlowControl &message) | carta::Session | |
HandleChannelMapFlowControlEvt(CARTA::ChannelMapFlowControl &message) | carta::Session | |
HasValidChannelMapTiles(int file_id, const CARTA::AddRequiredTiles &required_tiles) | carta::Session | protected |
HistContext() | carta::Session | inline |
ImageChannelLock(int file_id) | carta::Session | inline |
ImageChannelTaskSetIdle(int file_id) | carta::Session | inline |
ImageChannelTaskTestAndSet(int file_id) | carta::Session | inline |
ImageChannelUnlock(int file_id) | carta::Session | inline |
IncreaseRefCount() | carta::Session | inline |
IsInChannelMapRange(int file_id, int channel) | carta::Session | protected |
NumberOfSessions() | carta::Session | inlinestatic |
OnAddRequiredTiles(const CARTA::AddRequiredTiles &message, int channel=CURRENT_Z, int animation_id=0, bool skip_data=false) | carta::Session | |
OnCatalogFileInfo(CARTA::CatalogFileInfoRequest file_info_request, uint32_t request_id) | carta::Session | |
OnCatalogFileList(CARTA::CatalogListRequest file_list_request, uint32_t request_id) | carta::Session | |
OnCatalogFilter(CARTA::CatalogFilterRequest filter_request, uint32_t request_id) | carta::Session | |
OnCloseCatalogFile(CARTA::CloseCatalogFile close_file_request) | carta::Session | |
OnCloseFile(const CARTA::CloseFile &message) | carta::Session | |
OnClosePvPreview(const CARTA::ClosePvPreview &close_pv_preview) | carta::Session | |
OnConcatStokesFiles(const CARTA::ConcatStokesFiles &message, uint32_t request_id) | carta::Session | |
OnExportRegion(const CARTA::ExportRegion &message, uint32_t request_id) | carta::Session | |
OnFileInfoRequest(const CARTA::FileInfoRequest &request, uint32_t request_id) | carta::Session | |
OnFileListRequest(const CARTA::FileListRequest &request, uint32_t request_id) | carta::Session | |
OnFittingRequest(const CARTA::FittingRequest &fitting_request, uint32_t request_id) | carta::Session | |
OnImportRegion(const CARTA::ImportRegion &message, uint32_t request_id) | carta::Session | |
OnMomentRequest(const CARTA::MomentRequest &moment_request, uint32_t request_id) | carta::Session | |
OnOpenCatalogFile(CARTA::OpenCatalogFile open_file_request, uint32_t request_id, bool silent=false) | carta::Session | |
OnOpenFile(const CARTA::OpenFile &message, uint32_t request_id, bool silent=false) | carta::Session | |
OnOpenFile(int file_id, const string &name, std::shared_ptr< casacore::ImageInterface< casacore::Float > > image, CARTA::OpenFileAck *open_file_ack) | carta::Session | |
OnPvRequest(const CARTA::PvRequest &pv_request, uint32_t request_id) | carta::Session | |
OnRegionFileInfoRequest(const CARTA::RegionFileInfoRequest &request, uint32_t request_id) | carta::Session | |
OnRegionListRequest(const CARTA::RegionListRequest &request, uint32_t request_id) | carta::Session | |
OnRegisterViewer(const CARTA::RegisterViewer &message, uint16_t icd_version, uint32_t request_id) | carta::Session | |
OnRemoteFileRequest(const CARTA::RemoteFileRequest &message, uint32_t request_id) | carta::Session | |
OnRemoveRegion(const CARTA::RemoveRegion &message) | carta::Session | |
OnResumeSession(const CARTA::ResumeSession &message, uint32_t request_id) | carta::Session | |
OnSaveFile(const CARTA::SaveFile &save_file, uint32_t request_id) | carta::Session | |
OnScriptingAbort(uint32_t scripting_request_id) | carta::Session | |
OnScriptingResponse(const CARTA::ScriptingResponse &message, uint32_t request_id) | carta::Session | |
OnSetContourParameters(const CARTA::SetContourParameters &message, bool silent=false) | carta::Session | |
OnSetCursor(const CARTA::SetCursor &message, uint32_t request_id) | carta::Session | |
OnSetHistogramRequirements(const CARTA::SetHistogramRequirements &message, uint32_t request_id) | carta::Session | |
OnSetImageChannels(const CARTA::SetImageChannels &message) | carta::Session | |
OnSetRegion(const CARTA::SetRegion &message, uint32_t request_id, bool silent=false) | carta::Session | |
OnSetSpatialRequirements(const CARTA::SetSpatialRequirements &message) | carta::Session | |
OnSetSpectralRequirements(const CARTA::SetSpectralRequirements &message) | carta::Session | |
OnSetStatsRequirements(const CARTA::SetStatsRequirements &message) | carta::Session | |
OnSetVectorOverlayParameters(const CARTA::SetVectorOverlayParameters &message) | carta::Session | |
OnStopFitting(const CARTA::StopFitting &stop_fitting) | carta::Session | |
OnStopMomentCalc(const CARTA::StopMomentCalc &stop_moment_calc) | carta::Session | |
OnStopPvCalc(const CARTA::StopPvCalc &stop_pv_calc) | carta::Session | |
OnStopPvPreview(const CARTA::StopPvPreview &stop_pv_preview) | carta::Session | |
RegionDataStreams(int file_id, int region_id) | carta::Session | |
ResetHistContext() | carta::Session | inline |
SendContourData(int file_id, bool ignore_empty=true, int channel=CURRENT_Z) | carta::Session | protected |
SendEvent(CARTA::EventType event_type, u_int32_t event_id, const google::protobuf::MessageLite &message, bool compress=true) | carta::Session | protected |
SendFileEvent(int file_id, CARTA::EventType event_type, u_int32_t event_id, google::protobuf::MessageLite &message, bool compress=true) | carta::Session | protected |
SendLogEvent(const std::string &message, std::vector< std::string > tags, CARTA::ErrorSeverity severity) | carta::Session | protected |
SendPvPreview(int file_id, int region_id, bool preview_region) | carta::Session | |
SendRegionHistogramData(int file_id, int region_id, bool channel_changed=false) | carta::Session | protected |
SendRegionStatsData(int file_id, int region_id) | carta::Session | protected |
SendScriptingRequest(CARTA::ScriptingRequest &message, ScriptingResponseCallback callback, ScriptingSessionClosedCallback session_closed_callback) | carta::Session | |
SendSpatialProfileData(int file_id, int region_id) | carta::Session | protected |
SendSpatialProfileDataByFileId(int file_id) | carta::Session | protected |
SendSpatialProfileDataByRegionId(int region_id) | carta::Session | protected |
SendSpectralProfileData(int file_id, int region_id, bool stokes_changed=false) | carta::Session | |
SendVectorFieldData(int file_id) | carta::Session | protected |
Session(uWS::WebSocket< false, true, PerSocketData > *ws, uWS::Loop *loop, uint32_t id, std::string address, std::shared_ptr< FileListHandler > file_list_handler) | carta::Session | |
SetAnimationActive(bool val) | carta::Session | inline |
SetControllerDeploymentFlag(bool controller_deployment) | carta::Session | inlinestatic |
SetExitTimeout(int secs) | carta::Session | static |
SetInitExitTimeout(int secs) | carta::Session | static |
SetWaitingTask(bool set_wait) | carta::Session | inline |
StopAnimation(int file_id, const ::CARTA::AnimationFrame &frame) | carta::Session | |
StopCatalogFileList() | carta::Session | |
StopImageFileList() | carta::Session | |
StopPvPreviewUpdates(int preview_id) | carta::Session | |
UpdateImageData(int file_id, bool send_image_histogram, bool z_changed, bool stokes_changed) | carta::Session | protected |
UpdateLastMessageTimestamp() | carta::Session | |
UpdateRegionData(int file_id, int region_id, bool z_changed, bool stokes_changed) | carta::Session | protected |
WaitForTaskCancellation() | carta::Session | |
WaitingFlowEvent() | carta::Session | inline |
~Session() | carta::Session |