![]() |
CARTA Backend
The backend component of CARTA
This is the complete list of members for carta::RegionHandler, including all inherited members.
_frames | carta::RegionHandler | private |
_histogram_cache | carta::RegionHandler | private |
_histogram_req | carta::RegionHandler | private |
_line_profile_mutex | carta::RegionHandler | private |
_pv_cube_mutex | carta::RegionHandler | private |
_pv_cut_mutex | carta::RegionHandler | private |
_pv_name_index | carta::RegionHandler | private |
_pv_preview_cubes | carta::RegionHandler | private |
_pv_preview_cuts | carta::RegionHandler | private |
_region_mutex | carta::RegionHandler | private |
_regions | carta::RegionHandler | private |
_spatial_mutex | carta::RegionHandler | private |
_spatial_req | carta::RegionHandler | private |
_spectral_cache | carta::RegionHandler | private |
_spectral_mutex | carta::RegionHandler | private |
_spectral_req | carta::RegionHandler | private |
_spectral_stats | carta::RegionHandler | private |
_stats_cache | carta::RegionHandler | private |
_stats_req | carta::RegionHandler | private |
_stop_pv | carta::RegionHandler | private |
ApplyRegionToFile(int region_id, int file_id, const StokesSource &stokes_source=StokesSource(), bool report_error=true) | carta::RegionHandler | private |
ApplyRegionToFile(int region_id, int file_id, const AxisRange &z_range, int stokes, std::shared_ptr< casacore::LCRegion > lc_region, StokesRegion &stokes_region) | carta::RegionHandler | private |
CalculateMoments(int file_id, int region_id, const std::shared_ptr< Frame > &frame, GeneratorProgressCallback progress_callback, const CARTA::MomentRequest &moment_request, CARTA::MomentResponse &moment_response, std::vector< GeneratedImage > &collapse_results) | carta::RegionHandler | |
CalculatePvImage(const CARTA::PvRequest &pv_request, std::shared_ptr< Frame > &frame, GeneratorProgressCallback progress_callback, CARTA::PvResponse &pv_response, GeneratedImage &pv_image) | carta::RegionHandler | |
CalculatePvImage(int file_id, int region_id, int width, AxisRange &spectral_range, bool reverse, bool keep, std::shared_ptr< Frame > &frame, GeneratorProgressCallback progress_callback, CARTA::PvResponse &pv_response, GeneratedImage &pv_image) | carta::RegionHandler | private |
CalculatePvPreviewImage(int file_id, int region_id, int width, AxisRange &spectral_range, bool reverse, std::shared_ptr< Frame > &frame, const CARTA::PvPreviewSettings &preview_settings, GeneratorProgressCallback progress_callback, CARTA::PvResponse &pv_response, GeneratedImage &pv_image) | carta::RegionHandler | private |
CalculatePvPreviewImage(int frame_id, int preview_id, bool quick_update, std::shared_ptr< PvPreviewCut > preview_cut, std::shared_ptr< PvPreviewCube > preview_cube, GeneratorProgressCallback progress_callback, CARTA::PvResponse &pv_response, GeneratedImage &pv_image) | carta::RegionHandler | private |
CancelLineProfiles(int region_id, int file_id, RegionState ®ion_state) | carta::RegionHandler | private |
ClearRegionCache(int region_id) | carta::RegionHandler | private |
ClosePvPreview(int preview_id) | carta::RegionHandler | |
CombineStokes(ProfilesMap &profiles_out, const ProfilesMap &profiles_q, const ProfilesMap &profiles_u, const std::function< double(double, double)> &func) | carta::RegionHandler | private |
CombineStokes(ProfilesMap &profiles_out, const ProfilesMap &profiles_other, const std::function< double(double, double)> &func) | carta::RegionHandler | private |
ExportRegion(int file_id, std::shared_ptr< Frame > frame, CARTA::FileType region_file_type, CARTA::CoordinateType coord_type, std::map< int, CARTA::RegionStyle > ®ion_styles, std::string &filename, bool overwrite, CARTA::ExportRegionAck &export_ack) | carta::RegionHandler | |
FillLineSpatialProfileData(int file_id, int region_id, std::function< void(CARTA::SpatialProfileData profile_data)> cb) | carta::RegionHandler | |
FillPointSpatialProfileData(int file_id, int region_id, std::vector< CARTA::SpatialProfileData > &spatial_data_vec) | carta::RegionHandler | |
FillRegionHistogramData(std::function< void(CARTA::RegionHistogramData histogram_data)> region_histogram_callback, int region_id, int file_id) | carta::RegionHandler | |
FillRegionStatsData(std::function< void(CARTA::RegionStatsData stats_data)> cb, int region_id, int file_id) | carta::RegionHandler | |
FillSpectralProfileData(std::function< void(CARTA::SpectralProfileData profile_data)> cb, int region_id, int file_id, bool stokes_changed) | carta::RegionHandler | |
FitImage(const CARTA::FittingRequest &fitting_request, CARTA::FittingResponse &fitting_response, std::shared_ptr< Frame > frame, GeneratedImage &model_image, GeneratedImage &residual_image, GeneratorProgressCallback progress_callback) | carta::RegionHandler | |
FrameSet(int file_id) | carta::RegionHandler | private |
GetComputedStokesProfiles(ProfilesMap &profiles, int stokes, const std::function< bool(ProfilesMap &, std::string)> &get_profiles_data) | carta::RegionHandler | private |
GetLineProfiles(int file_id, int region_id, int width, const AxisRange &z_range, bool per_z, int stokes_index, const std::string &coordinate, std::function< void(float)> &progress_callback, casacore::Matrix< float > &profiles, casacore::Quantity &increment, bool &cancelled, std::string &message, bool reverse=false) | carta::RegionHandler | private |
GetLineSpatialData(int file_id, int region_id, const std::string &coordinate, int stokes_index, int width, const std::function< void(std::vector< float > &, casacore::Quantity &)> &spatial_profile_callback) | carta::RegionHandler | private |
GetNextRegionId() | carta::RegionHandler | private |
GetNextTemporaryRegionId() | carta::RegionHandler | private |
GetPvPreviewFrameId(int preview_id) | carta::RegionHandler | private |
GetRegion(int region_id) | carta::RegionHandler | |
GetRegionHistogramData(int region_id, int file_id, std::vector< HistogramConfig > &configs, std::vector< CARTA::RegionHistogramData > &histogram_messages) | carta::RegionHandler | private |
GetRegionSpectralData(int region_id, int file_id, const AxisRange &z_range, std::string &coordinate, int stokes_index, std::vector< CARTA::StatsType > &required_stats, bool report_error, const std::function< void(std::map< CARTA::StatsType, std::vector< double > >, float)> &partial_results_callback) | carta::RegionHandler | private |
GetRegionStatsData(int region_id, int file_id, int stokes, const std::vector< CARTA::StatsType > &required_stats, CARTA::RegionStatsData &stats_message) | carta::RegionHandler | private |
GetSpatialReqFilesForRegion(int region_id) | carta::RegionHandler | |
GetSpatialReqRegionsForFile(int file_id) | carta::RegionHandler | |
GetStokesPangle(const ProfilesMap &profiles_q, const ProfilesMap &profiles_u, ProfilesMap &profiles_pangle) | carta::RegionHandler | private |
GetStokesPflinear(const ProfilesMap &profiles_i, const ProfilesMap &profiles_q, const ProfilesMap &profiles_u, ProfilesMap &profiles_pflinear) | carta::RegionHandler | private |
GetStokesPftotal(const ProfilesMap &profiles_i, const ProfilesMap &profiles_q, const ProfilesMap &profiles_u, const ProfilesMap &profiles_v, ProfilesMap &profiles_pftotal) | carta::RegionHandler | private |
GetStokesPlinear(const ProfilesMap &profiles_q, const ProfilesMap &profiles_u, ProfilesMap &profiles_plinear) | carta::RegionHandler | private |
GetStokesPtotal(const ProfilesMap &profiles_q, const ProfilesMap &profiles_u, const ProfilesMap &profiles_v, ProfilesMap &profiles_ptotal) | carta::RegionHandler | private |
GetTemporaryRegionProfile(int region_idx, int file_id, RegionState ®ion_state, std::shared_ptr< casacore::CoordinateSystem > csys, bool per_z, const AxisRange &z_range, int stokes_index, double &num_pixels) | carta::RegionHandler | private |
HasSpatialRequirements(int region_id, int file_id, const std::string &coordinate, int width) | carta::RegionHandler | private |
HasSpectralRequirements(int region_id, int file_id, const std::string &coordinate, const std::vector< CARTA::StatsType > &required_stats) | carta::RegionHandler | private |
ImportRegion(int file_id, std::shared_ptr< Frame > frame, CARTA::FileType region_file_type, const std::string ®ion_file, bool file_is_filename, CARTA::ImportRegionAck &import_ack) | carta::RegionHandler | |
IsClosedRegion(int region_id) | carta::RegionHandler | |
IsLineRegion(int region_id) | carta::RegionHandler | |
IsPointRegion(int region_id) | carta::RegionHandler | |
IsValid(double a, double b) | carta::RegionHandler | private |
ProfilesMap typedef | carta::RegionHandler | private |
RegionFileIdsValid(int region_id, int file_id, bool check_annotation=false) | carta::RegionHandler | private |
RegionHandler()=default | carta::RegionHandler | |
RegionSet(int region_id, bool check_annotation=false) | carta::RegionHandler | private |
RemoveFileRequirementsCache(int file_id) | carta::RegionHandler | private |
RemoveFrame(int file_id) | carta::RegionHandler | |
RemoveRegion(int region_id) | carta::RegionHandler | |
RemoveRegionRequirementsCache(int region_id) | carta::RegionHandler | private |
SetHistogramRequirements(int region_id, int file_id, std::shared_ptr< Frame > frame, const std::vector< CARTA::HistogramConfig > &configs) | carta::RegionHandler | |
SetRegion(int ®ion_id, RegionState ®ion_state, std::shared_ptr< casacore::CoordinateSystem > csys) | carta::RegionHandler | |
SetSpatialRequirements(int region_id, int file_id, std::shared_ptr< Frame > frame, const std::vector< CARTA::SetSpatialRequirements_SpatialConfig > &spatial_profiles) | carta::RegionHandler | |
SetSpectralRequirements(int region_id, int file_id, std::shared_ptr< Frame > frame, const std::vector< CARTA::SetSpectralRequirements_SpectralConfig > &configs) | carta::RegionHandler | |
SetStatsRequirements(int region_id, int file_id, std::shared_ptr< Frame > frame, const std::vector< CARTA::SetStatsRequirements_StatsConfig > &stats_configs) | carta::RegionHandler | |
StopPvCalc(int file_id) | carta::RegionHandler | |
StopPvPreview(int preview_id) | carta::RegionHandler | |
StopPvPreviewUpdates(int preview_id) | carta::RegionHandler | |
UpdateNewSpectralRequirements(int region_id) | carta::RegionHandler | private |
UpdatePvPreviewImage(int file_id, int region_id, bool quick_update, std::function< void(CARTA::PvResponse &pv_response, GeneratedImage &pv_image)> cb) | carta::RegionHandler | |
UpdatePvPreviewRegion(int region_id, RegionState ®ion_state) | carta::RegionHandler | |
~RegionHandler() | carta::RegionHandler |